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Body Care

<p>Body care is not like it used to be… you got in to the tub, scrubbed yourself with a hard bristled brush and some unscented soap and “presto”, you where done! Now a day’s body care has turned into a huge industry where total pampering of your mind a body goes hand in hand! Your daily body care such as a good diet, a nice exercise routine and not too many bad habits, are of course essential! Taking regular showers is one thing but when it comes to taking a bath… it spells out total relaxation in a wonderfully scented bubble bath with aroma therapy candles surrounding you… plus soothing facial crèmes, body lotions, lubricants and essential oils to indulge yourself in. This use to be an industry almost exclusively catering to woman, but not so anymore! Many of the body care companies have totally concentrated on “selling” men on this wonderfully stress releasing body care system… of pampering oneself in total LUXURY!
JO H2o Anal Water Based Lubricant - 8oz